Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Keal Family Letter, March 2005

Hello Friends and Family! This is the March edition of the monthly
Keal letter. I hope that February treated all of you better than it
did us. At least it's a short month. The good parts of the month for
us were that Thea turned two on the 2nd and Tirah turned 25 on the
19th. Tirah and I had a lovely time on her birthday: we went out to
dinner at a favorite restaurant, Tirah got a new earring on the upper
part of her right ear... it looks very pretty, and then we went out to
see the movie "Hitch" which we highly recommend.
Some other good news includes the fact that we're getting a good size
tax return this year which will not only help us survive, but help to
pay for my studio equipment!
All other aspects of the month have been miserable. Cirdan has been
teething horribly which means that he's usually awake and screaming for
a good chunk of the night, which means that we're awake and feeling
like screaming. Thea has entered the realm of "Two Years Old" with a
bang... many bangs.... every day. She usually spends a good chunk of
the day screaming because she's not getting what she wants right now!
Tirah and I are running on very little sleep, which often means I'm not
able to put in as many hours of work as I'd like, and worst of all: all
of this is contributing to, and making worse the fact that Tirah is
suffering from Postpartum Depression. I'm sure the cold and dreary
February weather isn't helping either. As well as my own worries
about being able to support my family... which has been contributing to
my lower back hurting for a lot of the month.
But enough doom and gloom. I'm ultimately an optimist... there's
always a silver lining. Ultimately we just need to remember that the
Lord is in charge and it makes life much easier to handle.
Let's see... oh here's some more good news. My business is still
moving forward. It's not supporting us yet, but it is moving forward.
Those who signed up for my music newsletter on my website, can learn
more about all that when I write that monthly newsletter right after
I'm finished with this one. (To sign up go to: www.solomonkeal.com.
Also check out www.solomon-keal.com and www.solomonzone.com)
Oh, some other good news is that we are getting a Contemporary service
going here in Kempton! It's starting out slow and gentle (we don't
want to offend people) but it's happening once a month, in the
Sanctuary, at 10:00 in the morning just like every other service. We
had the first one just this past Sunday, and it was received well and
well attended. We had postlude and prelude singing of some more
Contemporary and Laurel Camp-like songs. We had guitar as well as
piano. We even had many of the instruments mentioned in Psalm 150,
which was what the sermon was about, including: trumpet, flute,
recorder, harp, guitar, and cymbals. The sermon itself was talking
about how we are meant to worship and praise the Lord in many different
ways, like the many different instruments that play music. It was a
great first step in the right direction! A lot of people have been
waiting for years for this.
Well, that's about it. Sorry to be so dismal. I hope that all of you
are doing well. Love from all of us: Solomon (27), Tirah (25), Thea
(2), and Cirdan (8 months). May the Lord bless your lives and grant
you peace.

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